
Monica and I are not the same person

And Italy, "sex goddess" cooperation, Sophie is the first time. If she is a symbol of France, Monica is the endorsement of Italy. In the "Do not look back", the Sophie, and Monica was actually played the same role, through special processing, Sophie, and Monica even with each other fade process. She and Monica asked feeling of cooperation, Sophie bluntly said that they both are totally different people.

"I am a random person, finished the show the fastest thing to do up remover. But Monica will not, she would be suitable makeup of a dinner, and wear nice clothes, dressed in her dark hair with the We went for dinner. me and her in private is really very different, she is very quiet, did not talk much, always love a person, or else always love a woman exchanges. I like the Dao Chuguang, has been non-stop speech. While we are not in the studio under the same, but we work like a 2 when the same people, we all respect the film, we are all very professional. so they can cooperate together, very easy. "Sophie said, a very casual manner.

Sophie Marceau's original sentence as "a woman like Monica," This sentence, the reporter somewhat surprised, asked her if she was not suggesting anything, Sophie quickly that she only said that the meaning of love and women, contact Monica , chat, not to say that she is gay. The moment of relief on news, naughty Sophie had told reporters, "Even if she is, and I bugger."

Marina Defan born in 1971, as a French woman director, she is also very young. Marina's first Minister of chapter work, "Audition" was born in 2002, "Audition," tells a love and pairs have been proud of the cause of women, because of an accident legs Zhuangcheng serious injuries, and thus gave rise to her life change. After the accident, she gradually found his own body and soul peeling occurred, but there is always the impulse to self-mutilation, in addition to scratch the skin and even her own arms and legs cut down the idea of eating. The flavors, the director once again chose the "Do not look back" theme of the movie thriller, she was selected this time Monica and Sophie.

Sophie's eyes, Marina Defan is Zizhubijiao, abnormal strict director. Su Feitan words, Marina one you flew into the studio and come to understand that she is not a joke. "She will seriously consider every action, every word lines. You compete, but to her, anyway encounter different opinions, I give up. Every time I go studio, you see her a serious look to know that this is not playing, and she very, very strict. "

